Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hamstring Recovery Protocol

So, I have re-watched that great hamstring recovery video (I posted on a previous post or two). Since I don't have any pain walking, and the icing period is over, I decided to go over to the track and attempt the three 100m runs (first 20m slow, next 60m at 50%, last 20m slow). You have to have no pain or (as a minimum bar) a pain level of 4 or less. I could not get up to 50% effort . . . the hammy hurt. So I ran all three 100ms SLOW. But I tried the stadium stairs, and felt little or no pain, so I went ahead and did 20 reps of the lower tier. My legs got wobbly and I was breathy. So I rode my bike home. The new sliders arrived, so I will use them do to the exercises as they are laid out in the video. Trying to follow the protocol best I can to see if I can recover enough to run in another meet or two this outdoor season. I see Dr. Aaron on Friday. I have a Pilates private lesson again tomorrow. After that, I'll go to gym for shoulders. I am disappointed that I upset my hamstring again. It's frustrating! Hoping for acceptance and patience. 


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