Friday, March 29, 2024

Patience and Appreciation

It has been almost three weeks since my last post. Today's themes are patience and appreciation. I have had to meditate on patience each day as I practiced "no running one day at a time." And I am really missing it! I have grown quite fond of my daily 3 mile runs the past 2 plus years (since I retired). Not only do I miss the physical movement and conditioning, but I also miss the quiet time in the mind that running provides. And I was, of course, totally enjoying the track workouts I had begun in February. Nevertheless, I stuck to my commitment to not run while I gave my hamstring time to heal. I have been doing my Pilates mat routine pretty much every day (and biking to the studio twice a week for my private lessons with Megan). I have also kept up my weight lifting practice at the gym (though I've avoided working my legs). I did the elliptical machine at the gym one day for 15 minutes, but I just don't dig that thing. I did 15 minutes on the cycle, which was O.K., but still, it ain't running. 

I sought out an acupuncturist, as I thought maybe treatments with filaments might be beneficial and aid the healing. Today I did my third treatment with Dr. Aaron (Cashman), who I found through Robert Wallace LAc, LMT (who I always go to for a massage when I visit Chicago!). Aaron's office is literally around the corner and up a few blocks. He has performed acupuncture treatments on my hamstring/body, used electricity to stimulate the needles to get healing energy and blood flowing. He also has performed cupping on my hamstring. This was all new to me, but I wanted to let my body know that I was willing to work with it to heal, and so I committed. I haven't had any pain in the leg since that last attempt to run on the track almost three weeks ago. I feel like the treatments help (at the very least, they help me emotionally, as I feel better taking an action to help my body recover). 

My plan is to go to the GPTC practice this Sunday (Easter). I'll do a slow warmup mile, dynamic stretching and drills, and then I think I will try to do maybe 4 x 400 meter runs, at an easy pace, just to see how it feels and to ease my body back into running. 

The other word/theme I have been meditating on the past few weeks is appreciation. I have felt great appreciation for my track coach in high school--Mr. Tobin. It's only from the vantage point of today and from suffering the hamstring muscle tear that I can truly appreciate all that Mr. Tobin sacrificed to coach me. He had like four kids, he was a history teacher at the school, and he also worked part-time jobs. And yet, he met me and the rest of the team nearly every day after school for practice, and gave up some Saturdays as well. He was totally there for me when I pulled my groin muscle toward the end of track season my Sophomore year. It was VERY painful, and he showed great compassion as he tried various treatments with me day in and day out for weeks. He was a generous, kind, attentive coach, and I'm not sure I fully expressed or even knew the depth of my gratitude when I was a teenager. So here's to Mr. Tobin! Below is a picture from 1982, my senior year, of Mr. Tobin and me after I finished running the 200 meter and was preparing to run the 400 m in that same meet.


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