First Official 400 Meter Race!

Competed at the Elliot Denman NJ International Track & Field Meet at Monmouth University, on Sunday, June 2, 2024

This was my first 400 meter race in 40 years.  I am so grateful I was able to run, grateful for the ability to move my body! I did pretty well--MUCH better than I expected. There were 3 sections of 400 Masters for the race. I was in the last (and slowest) heat (save the one high school kid who finished in like 54 seconds LOL--who, by the way, was way out in lane 8 or 9, and I couldn't even see him to try to catch him--would have needed my glasses!). My best competition in this heat was Jeff Flock (a 66-year-old on my team, and a 35-year-old unattached runner next to me in lane 2 [I was in 3]). I had put my qualifying time in as 1:20 (because, honestly, I hadn't run faster than like 1:18 in practices--so I was going in hoping to run at 1:15 or maybe 1:10 with my best effort). I was a little concerned, too, about my hamstring, as well as the fact that I did not feel ready in terms of training--the three month recovering from the muscle pull on March 3 really limited how often and hard I could train for months. But when I hit the second half of the second curve, it all came back to me! The thrill of competition. I really enjoy having other runners to compete against. It's too bad, perhaps, that I was not in the heat with the 61-year-old runner from Shore AC, who came in just fractions of a second behind my time--we would have really pushed one another I bet! Though, honestly, it was a privilege to run with Jeff Flock. He's a really supportive guy, and he has a lot of racing experience. I crossed the finish line at 1:03.35. I was shocked at my time. I was so pleased. I felt really strong on the final straight, and it felt awesome to press the gas pedal and actually have it respond. I was so dizzy with excitement and anticipation, I really can't even remember enough to assess my performance to see where I might be able to improve. I am sure it is in the first 200 split, but honestly, I was/am just so thrilled to have been able to run, feel good physically, and do well. 

Last Thursday I went to the track for sets of 200s, 300s, and 400s. I felt slow and stiff. That workout really right-sized my expectations . . . so this too is a reason I was so surprised with what I was able to do in an actual race. I remember now that I am a very competitive runner--racing against other guys at my ability or faster is really, really challenging and fun. 

Meanwhile, here is screen shot of the Masters Ranking page from yesterday:

I am THIRD in the U.S. at this point. It's unbelievable to me. Of course I know that this will change as more meets occur and more guys race and get better times. But the miracle to me is the fact that I am "All-American" for the 60-64 age group. If I look back at rankings for last year, a time like the one I have now would only put me at like 25th or so, LOL. But still, I am so grateful my body gave me another chance to race at my age.

One huge bummer: I started the 800 meter race with a group of high school guys (no Masters section) and I had not properly re-warmed up for the race, which was about an hour after my 400, and when I came off the first curve, my left hamstring (my old friend!) tightened up and I felt like I could completely pull it again, so I stopped. I got an ice bag from a team mate after, and then I had to drive an hour and a half home. I did R.I.C.E. Sunday evening, all day yesterday, and will continue today. Tomorrow I will switch to heat. The muscle doesn't really hurt--I can still walk fine and I did my Pilates mat yesterday no problem. But I am not going to run on it today--I'll ride my bike to Pilates and stay off legs at gym. If the injury is back and takes me out for the rest of this experimental season,  I will let it heal and return for the indoor season!

The BEST news from the meet on Sunday, however, was Jeff Flock's performance. He hit a PR of 106.69! At 66 years of age! That makes him ranked 2nd in the U.S. at present. The 35-year-old in lane 2 also had a PR. So I think it was a good race for many!

Here is a little video of my practice from last Thursday at Franklin Field:


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