Sunday, May 26, 2024

Good Track Workout

Today I got up and went to track practice in Chestnut Hill. Team was light today on account of holiday weekend and a one mile race tomorrow that many will do. I ran with Bob today. He was the guy who set the pace for the workout when I FIRST joined the team back in March--and he really impressed me with his cardio strength and power (I think he's 66!). He invited me to run 400s today. He set a goal of 4 400s at about 92 seconds with about a minute and a half in between. I did a mile jog, drills, and a few 100s to warm up. I was able to run/keep up with him, and I didn't feel any pain in hammy, so I was grateful. In fact, I felt so good, I went ahead and ran 2 more 400s after Bob ended the fourth. This also gave me an opportunity to practice pacing myself. I kept getting to the 200m mark before my goal of 45 seconds. But still it was good practice to see where I'm at on the track during a dash and to check how I feel. A couple of teammates followed me and dropped off at the 200m mark. I felt great, though it was a little warm. I did my Pilates routine and stretched after. 

I just ordered a pair of spikes recommended for beginners and the 400. They arrive tomorrow; I will have a chance to put them on hopefully a couple of times this week on the track to get the feel of them. Here are the times for today (P.S., my first race/track meet is next Sunday! I registered for the 400m and the 800m):

1st 400: 1:29
2nd 400: 1:28
3rd 400: 1:25
4th 400: 1:24
5th 400: 1:24
6th 400: 1:27


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