Sunday, May 19, 2024:

Steady Progress

Had a great week! I was careful to rest each day after running. I did the new bike at the gym for a pretty good cardio workout 2 days this week. I also did the stair machine.  I find that I can really get my heart rate up on these with no strain on my hammy. I have also been doing the hammy RDL strength exercises from the video I added to a post a week or so back. They seem to really help.

Megan is away, so I didn't have any Pilates sessions. I did acupuncture and cupping with Dr. Aaron on Friday. Wednesday I turned 6o years old!!! My hammy felt totally fine on Tuesday, Wednesday. and Thursday. I did not go to the track because Wally said they were setting up for graduation (which is this evening) at Franklin Field. Friday morning, before Dr. Aaron appointment, I went for a 3.5 mile run outside. I completed the the 2nd and 3rd miles in 8 minutes, 10 seconds. I felt pretty good. My hammy started "talking" to me in the third mile, so I took an easy jog home. It was actually still "talking" to me when I went to track practice this morning. I warmed up with a jog and my drills. Alison and Lorraine invited me to workout with them again. It was wonderful. We did 4 sets of 1 400m, 1 200m, 1 300m. I noted the times on my watch: 

Set One


Set Two


Set Three


Set Four



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