Monday, May 13, 2024

Review of Sunday Track Practice

Yesterday morning I got up in the cold and light rain and went to track practice in Chestnut Hill. I was invited to do a workout with two ladies I'd met a few weeks ago--Alison and Lorraine. They are both middle distance runners, and they were going to attempt more of a "distance" workout of 300s, 600s, an 800, and a 1200. Alison is an amazing runner--tall and lean with a great stride. She's probably 15-20 years younger than I. And Lorraine is in excellent shape, shorter than Alison, and she is maybe 5-10 years younger than I [inserting info I found online after I wrote this entry--Lorraine is like 62! She looks A LOT younger!]. Anyway, I trailed Lorraine for all the splits--and Alison would start behind me, but some splits (especially the last few splits) she moved ahead of me at some point, which was impressive--that she had extra to give at the end. I did not write or memo the exact splits and times we did, or the rest times, unfortunately. BUT, I'm going to say I was happy that I was able to keep up with these two runners. The last split was kinda brutal; I finished seconds behind them, but it's all good. They were generous to let me tag along, and it was an awesome track workout. I haven't really been able to do the training I needed the past couple months since the hamstring pull. I could feel my hamstring a bit as we ran, but overall, it did not impede my training yesterday. The hammy has been sore since yesterday . . . like tight/tender feeling. So I have been taking Aleve. Today at gym I did 30 minutes on the Peloton bike and really got my heart rate up and sweated. It did not irritate my leg! I did my Pilates practice and did chest. I feel grateful my leg has healed enough to allow me to train. It still is not 100% though, and I need to be careful. I should NOT run on it tomorrow. It is supposed to rain tomorrow and Wednesday. I might go to the track on Thursday, BUT they are setting up for graduation ceremonies this weekend, so I may just avoid the stadium this week. Maybe I will do a 4 mile outdoor run at a good pace (?)


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