Friday, May 24, 2024

Mixed Feelings (Results?) 

Today I did a track workout at Franklin Field. I jogged over as a warm up. My hammy felt fine. I got to the track and one portion of it was covered with a tarp (left over from graduation ceremony). There was only one other runner on the track. I decided to do a workout from the Collins book. 6 x 200m at around 32 seconds (his number) with 4 minutes rest in between (which was good--the 200m plan--because the top of one half of the track was unusable due to the tarp). About halfway through, a group of about 10 runners started using the track. That was okay I guess. So, the positive aspects: I was able to complete the workout. My hammy didn't hurt. My times were relatively okay. The negative aspects: My times were not as good as I thought they should be; my whole body felt sort of stiff and claggy; my left quad felt sort of tight on the last 3. I am not as optimistic that I will be able to run a 400m at a minute. I went to the gym after and did back exercises and pull-ups and dips (which I love). Unfortunately, the video I thought I was taking today of me running didn't record (I forgot to start it). 

First 200m: 39 seconds
(4 min rest)
Second 200m: 37 seconds
(4 min rest)
Third 200m: 37 seconds
(4 min rest)
Fourth 200m: 38 seconds
(4 minute rest)
Fifth 200m: 36 seconds (left quad feeling tight)
(3 min rest)
Sixth 200m: 39 seconds

Yesterday I walked to the Pilates in the rain (Megan is back and the studio finally reopened after the protest encampment). My lesson felt great. The day before I did an outdoor 3 mile run. It was mid-day and pretty warm. I felt slow and heavy. I averaged 10 minute a mile  . . . though the first one was warm-up and I know very slow ... so the second and third miles were probably around 9 minutes each. 

I will go to track practice on Sunday. If the ladies aren't there, I will most likely have to run with the distance runners. 


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