Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Noodle Legs!

Yesterday I rode my bike to the Pilates studio for a private lesson with Megan. After, I went over to Franklin Field for my first track workout there in over 5 weeks! It was a nice day--warm, low 70s, sunny. I did a nice slow mile warmup. Then I completed 15 stadium stair runs. There was no stress on my right hamstring. I didn't feel any pain; the muscle didn't cramp up the way it did a couple of weeks ago during my 6th 400m slit at Sunday GPTC practice. I was happy about all that! Running stadium stairs is such an amazing cardio workout. Also, it definitely produces "noodle legs"--mine were shaking a lot when I finished. I rode over to the gym and did a chest workout after. Today I have sore calves, but my hamstring does not seem stressed after that workout. I will probably go back tomorrow or Friday and do another stadium stairs routine. Not sure yet about Sunday practice. I suppose I could go and do an easy 800 workout or something. It's hard to keep the workouts gentle! I really want to ramp things back up and get back to and beyond where I was at before the hamstring injury . . . but I must keep it gradual and easy.  Here's a little video of my stairs workout yesterday:



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