Friday, March 1, 2024

Weather today about 43 degrees with a slight wind. Nice in the sun! 

Today's track work for Collins's Week 4 is Run stadium steps. Run the equivalent of 60 meters of steps x 20. That's what I attempted to do, although I don't think the length of the stadium steps at Franklin Field is 60 meters--it's less, maybe 50? Anyway, I ran them 20 times, and it was hard at the end! It's the first workout I've done where my legs were shaking uncontrollably from the work. I ran to and from the stadium, and went to the gym after to do a Pilates mat routine and weights (worked my back muscles). 

I have to start thinking about taking one day off a week from running and weights (but especially running--that's a hard one for me at this point, as I'm desperate to build the endurance I will need to run a fast 400 meters. I'd like do another 3 miles around 24 minutes this week [as on Wednesday, I felt too tired from the 5 x 800m workout on Tuesday to run the 3 in 24 minutes for Wednesday's treadmill run]. My watch tells me I ran 3.12 miles in 29 minutes, about 9:10 a mile--but I did raise the incline level from .5 all the way up to 4 at one point [don't know really what I was thinking, was just kind of playing around with incline because I felt I couldn't run at a higher pace, which, I get now, is kind of like, duh). 

Here's a little video of my last run (#20) up the stadium stairs today:


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