
Showing posts from April, 2024
Thursday, April 25, 2024 Penn Relays Today I went over to watch the Masters events at the Penn Relays. It was a nice day, mostly sunny and mild. Here's a pic at the stadium: It was a fun couple of hours. Bill Yelverton won the M60 100m in 13.23, which was pretty great to watch. He also anchored both the M60 4x100m and 4x400m races for the GPTC. I was impressed by his performance, knowing he's recently overcome an injury. Also, the runners on the M60 4x400 winning team looked great--the Global Sprinters TC: Oscar Jose Fabra, Owen Barrett, Jerome Bryant Applegate, and Ronald Humphrey. I see their names at #2, #6, #11, and #15 in last year's Master Rankings in the U.S. for the 400m (Bill Y. is there at #3 with a time of 57.59, which is amazing). Incidentally, #1 last year was James Lundberg (62) with a time of 55.96. I guess when I decided to start this little project in February, I couldn't imagine that guys my age and a little older could run the 400 meters in 55-57 seco
 Thursday, April 18, 2024 Carrying On That's me, doing "tester" 100m runs today on the track. After Pilates, I rode my bike over, took a slow mile warm-up jog. I am inspired by this amazing YouTube video I found that is all about recovering from a pulled hamstring, explaining exercises and track runs to help guide you through healing. I will see if I can post the link at the bottom of this page. Anyway, I ran three 100 meter "tests." The idea is to run the first 20 meters slowly, run the next 60 meters at 50% max, and the last 20 meters slowly. When you can complete 3 of these with a "4" level of pain or less, you can move on to stage 2, which is to run the middle section at 80%--and once you can complete three of those WITHOUT ANY pain, you can progress to stage 3, which is all-out sprinting. I could "feel" my hamstring today as I ran all three 100m. I think I will try this again on Sunday to see if I can get the pain down to minimal before
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Slow Recovery I am a little vexed today at the pace at which my hamstring is healing. I did my acupuncture and cupping treatment on Friday with Dr. Aaron. I decided to take that day off from doing stadium stairs because I read that it's not optimal to workout after these treatments. (It was pouring rain on Thursday, so I passed that day as well.) Sunday I went to GPTC practice out in Chestnut Hill. It was a beautiful spring morning. I did a slow jog mile warmup, then my dynamic stretching drills. I decided to try the 800m workout from Bill Collins's book (which I did in February [before the injury]). The workout is 5 x 800m at 3.30 with 5 minutes between. I decided to try 2 and see how I felt. I felt great on the first, though I was running slowly . . . actually my times are a little inaccurate because I ran in like lane 6 to avoid traffic and didn't stagger my starts . . . but I finished in just under 4 min. I rested 5 then tried the next, and towar
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Noodle Legs! Yesterday I rode my bike to the Pilates studio for a private lesson with Megan. After, I went over to Franklin Field for my first track workout there in over 5 weeks! It was a nice day--warm, low 70s, sunny. I did a nice slow mile warmup. Then I completed 15 stadium stair runs. There was no stress on my right hamstring. I didn't feel any pain; the muscle didn't cramp up the way it did a couple of weeks ago during my 6th 400m slit at Sunday GPTC practice. I was happy about all that! Running stadium stairs is such an amazing cardio workout. Also, it definitely produces "noodle legs"--mine were shaking a lot when I finished. I rode over to the gym and did a chest workout after. Today I have sore calves, but my hamstring does not seem stressed after that workout. I will probably go back tomorrow or Friday and do another stadium stairs routine. Not sure yet about Sunday practice. I suppose I could go and do an easy 800 workout or some
Saturday, April 6, 2024 Recovery Week I just re-read my previous post from last Sunday. This week revealed a bit more tightness in my hamstring than I had anticipated enduring. I decided to continue to take it easy this week, to give the leg more time to heal, as I believe it is still compromised. Hind sight is 20/20, but if I could do Sunday's workout over again, I would have stopped after the 4th split. Rounding the last curve on that 6th 400m is when my hammy tightened up. I think this is the "over doing it" lesson. I did my Pilates mat routine every day this week, except Tuesday, when I headed into NYC for an appointment. I had a private studio session on Thursday with Megan. I did weight training at the gym M, W, and F. I will go again tomorrow, Sunday. Yesterday (Friday) I did my fourth acupuncture/cupping treatment with Dr. Aaron at Philadelphia Mind-Body Acupuncture. I do feel like the treatments are helping me heal. The cupping on my hamstring felt especially goo